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We had a very successful event on Palm Sunday, March 25th 2018 when around 30 singers from various local churches and choirs got together to sing Stainer’s Crucifixion. We were very fortunate in having a pretty well-balanced set of singers (maybe we could have done with a couple of extra sopranos) and I am very grateful to John Williams and Andrew Foxley our soloists and to Richard Birkett our organist.

Our next event will be Choral Evensong on Sunday, November 24th, 2019 at 6 pm. This is the last Sunday before Advent and is celebrated as the feast of Christ the King. The canticles will be sung to Stanford in C and the anthem is Rejoice the Lord is King by Malcolm Archer. If you are interested in jointing the choir for this event, come along at 4.30 on the day for a one hour rehearsal of the music. Tea and biscuits will be provided between the rehearsal and the service.

For more details, just use the form below.

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