The Living With Integrity group provides a local forum for anyone interested in Social Justice, Environmental issues and Sustainability.
- Alternate Breakfast and Supper meetings provide a setting for formal and informal exchanges of information, discussion and action.
- Based around Waterbeach, Landbeach and the Fen Edge; looking at the world!
- All are welcome, of any faith or none. A community group.
- We provide opportunities for discussion on issues where we can promote justice and environmental concerns.
- We seek to understand how we might respond responsibly to such issues
- We offer these ideas to our communities
In care for our common home, we network with groups and experts on: Climate Change/Marine issues; Homelessness/People Trafficking/Refugees; Ethical Food sources; Credit Unions; Economies, Local and National; Textiles and the Environment; Third World issues.
15 years of Social/Gospel action to support NGOs like CamCrag/Refugees; Emmaus; Fair Trade; Médecins Sans Frontières [Middle East]; Sreepur Project for Women Textile Workers; Amnesty International; Christian Aid; challenge Tax-Avoidance by global traders.
Links to Ely Diocese and Cathedral; local church and community groups
Further information can be obtained from Trevor at
Living With Integrity group has gained considerable respect within and beyond this community over the last 15 years; it has an outreach in that it draws its membership from churches beyond ours, and the community at large. It exists as a forum for discussion on Sustainability and Ethical Living questions, for a measure of social/Gospel action (for example, support of Emmaus community, international humanitarian aid, social/FairTrade events), for information-sharing and invitations to visiting speakers; and for links to Diocesan strategies. It’s the umbrella under which Poems in the Kitchen flourishes… LWI has Saturday morning breakfast meetings every two months at which friends and family, even very small ones, are welcome, so do come sometime!
At our meetings we seek ways of informing ourselves on topics such as
- Amnesty International – Letter Campaigns
- Child soldiers
- Coffee
- Ecology and Climate change
- Environment
- Fairtrade
- Sustainable fishing
- Food Waste
- Mining of Gold, Coltan and other minerals
- Poverty – national issues
- Poverty – international
- Reduce, reuse, recycle
- Shopping Locally
- Ethical decision making
In the discussions that follow breakfast, anyone present can bring topics to the table relating to these and similar topics. Conversation can be built on media articles – the more balanced, the better when exploring a new topic.
Projection facilities can be organised -with advance warning -to show relevant short videos or picture clips as prompts to discussion.
On some occasions, it will feel appropriate to turn discussion into action, although we have to guard against being an events organising committee as most of our members are committed to a wide range of other causes and activities.