A pop-up installation will appear in the churchyard of Waterbeach’s Parish Church of St John the Evangelist this September: it will represent our church and community concern and love for Environment and its Creator. All year, young and old have been creating Water-Drop and Leaf motifs – as well as experimenting with Netting in various ways. We hope that passers-by will ‘read’ and reflect on issues of local Water-Stress and Biodiversity as our village morphs into a ‘peri-urban settlement’.

The installation will ‘spring up’ at what used to be called ‘Harvest Festival’ in our Fen-Edge villages. ‘Creationtide’ expands the idea of thankfulness and gratitude for Creation and all good things. It urges that we have responsible roles to take for our Planet and Environment.
Early autumn, from 1st September – 4th October [Feast Day of St Francis of Assisi] become a time for Christians of all denominations to pray, reflect – but take action, just like St Francis did when he wasn’t busy chatting to wildlife…
The Church of England itself works in partnership with respected voluntary organisations and World Faiths for this festival. Check the background here.
To recycle this project, borrow it! All eight 1.5 square meter net panels will be available for free loan after they have toured to All Saints parish church at Landbeach, and possibly Milton. Please send an email message to Angela for details.
As ever, a big thank you to everyone who has donated netting, yarn, textiles and time to this Eco-Textile. A special thanks to Waterbeach and Landbeach Churches Together; to our many community groups; and to Boswells Bakery.
Angela Brown (07884 465648) and Jane Oakes (07740 282387)
July 2022